Historically, cosmetic and anti-aging treatments such as Botox have been exclusively targeted at women. Advertising, pop culture and the media have traditionally placed more emphasis on the significance of beauty than men. However, this is changing in 2018. There are a lot more men interested in their appearance nowadays. Many are even turning to solutions like Botox.
Men are now a market for beauty treatment. It has sparked the launch of male make-up items, which were covered by the mainstream media last year. It has also facilitated a huge increase in the number of cosmetic procedures undertaken by men. 1.1 million were performed in 2016 – the highest number in recorded history. This trend illustrates that the perception of masculinity is beginning to change in the 21st century. Men are becoming comfortable with cosmetic treatments in order to maintain a youthful appearance.
There are several treatments that have proven themselves to be popular among modern men: laser hair removals, dermal fillers and even in some cases plastic surgery. However, it is Botox that is the popular solution for young adult males. Of the 1.1 million procedures that took place last year, botulinum toxin treatments accounted for the overwhelming majority of them. Men have sought them out to combat frown lines and deep wrinkles, both of which are synonymous with old age.
Botox essentially numbs over-active muscles. By doing this, it reduces the amount of pressure they are putting on the skin; one of the main contributing factors to wrinkles and frown lines. It is a minimally invasive procedure, safe under the guidance of a suitably qualified medical professional. Performed in a medical environment by someone with knowledge and experience, Botox can help men’s faces maintain their youthful handsomeness, not just women’s.
Clinic@ run by Dr. Vikram offers you a completely customised, completely unique experience with fully bespoke appointments, tailored completely to your goals, and doctor-led treatment plans that are built from the ground up. Book yourself a Free appointment today.